Wisdom teeth typically erupt during the late teens or early adulthood. They are the third set of molars in the back of the mouth. You have impacted wisdom teeth if they fail to break through the gum properly for one reason or another.
Do You Need to Get Your Wisdom Teeth Removed?
The human mouth typically has insufficient room for 32 teeth, including the four wisdom teeth. So, their appearance may cause swelling, crowding, ear pain, and infections. You can have between none and four wisdom teeth. In rare cases, some people may have more than four.
A small mouth or jaw with abundant teeth might prevent them from coming through or fully emerging. They can also grow in unusual directions or only partially. That can cause pain and damage to adjacent teeth. Even if no damage occurs, the position and angle of wisdom teeth can make them more susceptible to bacterial buildup and disease.
In most cases, individuals do not need to have their wisdom teeth removed as long as they practice good oral hygiene. However, specific changes in your mouth may require extracting them.
Symptoms of Impacted Wisdom Teeth
Swollen and red gums
Jaw or gum pain
Gum disease
Tooth decay
Damage to adjacent teeth
Wisdom Tooth Extraction
Wisdom tooth removal is a surgical procedure that extracts one or more wisdom teeth. An oral surgeon at Weston Center for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery or a dentist may perform this to prevent potential problems. Some dental professionals recommend removing impacted wisdom teeth even if they are not currently causing problems.
What to Expect During the Procedure
Depending on your comfort levels and the complexity of the procedure, your oral surgeon or dentist may use one of three types of anesthesia. These are:
General anesthesia
Sedation anesthesia
Local anesthesia
Your oral surgeon or dentist will then make an incision in your gum tissue to expose the tooth and gum. The next step is to remove the bone tissue blocking access to the tooth root before extracting the tooth. Your dentist will divide your tooth into smaller sections if it is easier to pull it that way.
Next, the dentist will clean the extraction site of any debris from the bone or tooth and stitch the wound closed. However, stitching is not always necessary to promote healing. Finally, your dentist will place gauze over the treatment area to control bleeding and help a clot form.
After the Procedure
Your dentist would take you to a recovery room after the procedure if you received general or sedation anesthesia. You would recover more quickly in the dental chair if you received local anesthesia.
You should follow your dentist’s instructions on bleeding, pain management, swelling, bruising, beverages, food, activity, and cleaning your mouth as you heal. Call your oral surgeon or dentist immediately if you experience any symptoms that could indicate nerve damage, infection, or severe complication.
The appearance of wisdom teeth is not usually a problem, except when they become trapped in the jaw or under the gums. They are more susceptible to tooth decay, disease, and other dental problems when this happens, making extraction necessary.
For more on tooth extraction, visit Weston Center for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at our Weston, Florida office. Call (954) 507-6441 to schedule an appointment today.