What Is the All-on-4® Procedure?

Actual Patient

What Is the All-on-4® Procedure?

Actual Patient

What Is the All-on-4® Procedure?

Actual Patient

What Is the All-on-4® Procedure?

Actual Patient

Dental Implants

The All-on-4® dental procedure is a treatment technique for the upper and/or lower jaws using implants. The dental implants are fitted to a bridge. The treatment involves a complete set of permanent teeth to provide a permanent solution. 


The dental implant procedure is ideal for patients who want a permanent solution to prevent further loss of bone and when looking to replace multiple missing teeth or failing teeth. The artificial teeth look and feel like natural teeth. 


How Dental Implants Work

Dental implants refer to titanium screws placed in the jaw to act as the root of the tooth. An implant can be fitted with a crown where the single tooth restoration is required or a dental bridge for multiple teeth restorations. 

The implants are created to be biocompatible, meaning that they bond to the bone, a term referred to as osseointegration. They are a permanent solution to tooth loss. Modern technology has led to the development of dental prosthetics that look and feel like natural teeth.


Candidates for All-on-4 Procedure

Patients who have problems with uncomfortable dentures, who are missing multiple teeth, or who have significant periodontal problems are ideal candidates for the treatment. People with loose or failing teeth or those who want a permanent solution for tooth loss can benefit from the treatment. 

Those with a failing dental bridge but who do not want dentures are candidates for the treatment. The All-on-4 procedure is helpful for people who have several missing teeth on the lower or upper arch. 


All Teeth in a Day

The All-on-4 procedure has many names, such as same-day teeth, Straumann proarch, Neoarch, Teethxpress, and teeth in a day. Dental professionals perform the procedures in one day — the dental bridge and implants are fitted in a day for a complete restoration. This means that the patient can go from having no teeth to having a perfect smile, all in one day. 

After placing the implants, the dentist will take impressions before creating a provisional prosthesis the same day. A dental procedure that usually takes months can be completed in one appointment, in a single day. The implants will then go onto osseointegrate for approximately 4 months, then a final set of teeth will be delivered or fabricated.


Advanced Aesthetic Results

Advanced technology has led to the creation of crowns and bridges that look like real teeth. During the All-on-4 procedure, the patient will be fitted with a temporary crown or bridge on the same day. The provisional bridge will remain in place until the final prosthodontics is made. While most patients love their aesthetic improvements with their new temporaries, any further patient desires will be addressed prior to final bridge fabrication.

The final product will be made from superior quality materials for advanced aesthetic results. Each patient’s smile is designed to suit the individual. The dentist will consider issues such as the tooth shade, position, and shape. 


Benefits of All-on-4 Procedure

The All-on-4 dental procedure has many benefits for the patient. Implants can restore an individual’s confidence and self-esteem. It can also help eliminate speech problems, issues of eating particular foods, and more. The treatment can be used as a convenient alternative to dental bone augmentation often required for implants. 

This dental treatment can help prevent more bone loss. Also, the treatment helps eliminate the need for future bone augmentation. Any adult who is in good physical and oral health can benefit from the implant procedure.

For more on the All-on-4 dental procedure, visit Weston Center for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at our office in Weston, Florida. You can call (954) 507-4540 today to schedule an appointment.