What to Expect With a Tooth Extraction

Actual Patient

What to Expect With a Tooth Extraction

Actual Patient

What to Expect With a Tooth Extraction

Actual Patient

What to Expect With a Tooth Extraction

Actual Patient

Tooth Extraction

A tooth removal or extraction is one of the most intimidating dental treatments. Are you getting a decayed tooth pulled or a wisdom tooth removed? If so, feeling apprehensive about what will happen during and after the treatment is typical. This overview of what to anticipate during the procedure should put your mind at ease.



Before the Procedure


Your dentist will probably take an X-ray of the problem tooth before extraction. The purpose is to evaluate the teeth roots’ configuration, dimension, and location. Also, you must include all of your medical history, including any prescription drugs or dietary supplements you may be using. 


Furthermore, you should discuss any health issues that can influence the procedure. Depending on the type, taking antibiotics or painkillers may be necessary before extraction.



During the Procedure


You will receive an anesthetic to numb the area around the tooth before the extraction. If you are anxious or fearful, your dentist may also offer sedation to help you relax. Once you are numb, the dentist will use specialized tools to loosen the tooth and gently remove it from its socket. In certain circumstances, the dentist might have to remove the tooth by cutting it into smaller pieces.



After the Procedure


It will help if you bit down on a piece of gauze to stop any bleeding after the extraction. Also, you will receive instructions on how to care for the extraction site. These could be about how frequently to replace the gauze, how to rinse your mouth, and which foods and liquids to avoid. 


After the treatment, you may experience some swelling and pain. You can treat the pain with OTC or prescription pain medication if necessary.



Recovery Time


The recovery length depends on the extraction type and the number of teeth removed. Generally, you should anticipate some soreness and swelling for a few days to a week following treatment. 


It would be best if you avoid smoking and drinking through a straw. These activities can dislodge the blood clot in the extraction site, leading to a painful condition known as a dry socket. You must avoid strenuous exercise and stick to soft foods for the first few days.



Follow-up Care


Follow-up care is crucial to ensure proper healing and prevent complications. Your dentist will schedule a follow-up appointment to ensure the extraction site is healing properly. Keep up with your cleaning routine and floss your teeth to prevent infection.



Tooth Replacement Options


If you had a tooth extracted due to decay or damage, you might wonder about tooth replacement options. Several options are available, including dental implants, bridges, and dentures. Your dentist can discuss these options and help you choose ones that suit your needs and budget.





When performed by a qualified dentist or oral surgeon, tooth extractions can be simple and safe. By understanding what to expect before, during, and after the procedure, you can confidently approach the extraction and recover quickly.


For more information on tooth extractions, visit Weston Center for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at our Weston, Florida office. Call (954) 507-6441 to schedule an appointment today.