Why Might I Need My Wisdom Teeth Removed?

Actual Patient

Why Might I Need My Wisdom Teeth Removed?

Actual Patient

Why Might I Need My Wisdom Teeth Removed?

Actual Patient

Why Might I Need My Wisdom Teeth Removed?

Actual Patient

Wisdom Teeth

Wisdom teeth do not make anyone wiser, despite their name. So when your dentist tells you that you need to have yours removed, you should do it, especially if they are causing problems. When they erupt from your gums and crowd your teeth, they can cause significant discomfort.

According to some recorded cases, they can contribute to sinus problems, jaw alignment issues, cysts, and damaged cavities. However, some people do not experience the discomforts and symptoms associated with wisdom teeth. Such lucky individuals often wonder whether they need to have their wisdom teeth removed.


What Are Wisdom Teeth?

These are the permanent third molars in the back of the mouth. People usually have four wisdom teeth: two on the bottom and two on the top. They are the widest, toughest teeth that grind food when you eat. However, many adults do not have all their wisdom teeth.

Permanent teeth begin to develop shortly before birth or at birth. However, wisdom teeth typically erupt through the gums when people are about 18 years old. Usually, by the age of 12, they are visible on an X-ray. When they fail to erupt properly, they will not serve their purpose of biting and chewing food efficiently.


Do You Need to Have Your Wisdom Teeth Extracted?

Nowadays, the extraction of wisdom teeth seems to be a rite of passage for adults. However, contrary to what many people believe, extraction is not always necessary. If they are healthy and fully erupted, you do not need to have your third molars removed.

Also, removal is not necessary if they are biting properly and comfortably with their opposing teeth. You should also be able to clean them effectively as part of your daily dental hygiene practices.


Why You Might Need to Have Them Removed

You are more likely to have problems with your wisdom teeth than with other teeth. This is the reason millions of Americans every year have them extracted or removed. Some of the reasons to have your wisdom teeth removed include:



Impaction is one of the top reasons for having them removed. This is when your tooth lacks enough room to erupt from the gum as it should. This may lead to crowding or damage to nearby teeth.


Damage to Nearby Teeth

In many cases, wisdom teeth extraction is necessary when they start affecting the rest of your teeth. Sometimes, when the third set of molars erupts from the gums, they can force the already positioned permanent teeth to shift their position. This can cause overcrowding, bite problems, and pain.

It can also make it more difficult to brush or floss your teeth effectively, leading to tooth decay or cavities. If you delay having them removed, you may eventually have to undergo additional dental procedures to straighten the neighboring impacted teeth.


Damage to the Jaw

Like all other teeth, third molars erupt through the gums from the jaws. However, this is not always the case. Lack of space around other teeth can lead to impaction within the jaw. When this happens, you will first experience pain or stiffness. If left unaddressed, this problem can cause damage to your jawbones.

Other reasons why you might need to have your wisdom teeth extracted include:

  • Inflamed gums.
  • Pain and sensitivity.
  • Sinus problems.

To learn more about wisdom teeth removal, visit Weston Center for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at our office in Weston, Florida. You can call (954) 507-6441 today to schedule an appointment.