Many women have questions about breast surgery. They wonder whether there will be scarring after the breast surgery and what it will look like. Some also want to know the possibility of minimizing the scarring or getting rid of the scarring altogether.
Because breast surgery involves cutting the skin, scarring is an inevitable outcome. However, there are many ways to deal with the scarring to make it less visible.
Where Will the Scars Be Located?
The positioning of the scars depends on the plastic surgeon. The plastic surgeon will make incisions in your skin to place the implants or give a breast lift procedure. A common type of incision that plastic surgeons will use is called the inframammary incision. This method of incision follows the natural curve under your breasts. It makes the scars easy to conceal, even with a bikini top.
Another type of incision traces the lower part of your areolas. It is called the periareolar incision; it is usually semicircular. Because of its shape and position, it can be well camouflaged. There is another technique known as transaxillary incision. This incision is placed in the underarm area just behind your breast. It requires a lot of surgical skills to pull off. Also, it tends to be less accurate for placing the breast implants.
What Will Be the Appearance of My Scars?
The surgeon makes very thin incisions during plastic surgery. After the surgery and when the wounds heal, there will be a red line along the incisions. After some time, the color of the scar will fade to pink and eventually to white. The texture of the scars will eventually flatten out. It will take a year for the scarring to lighten completely.
The scarring will be more visible if you have dark skin or light skin. Also, if you expose the scars to direct sunlight, they will tend to become more visible. Horizontal scars made during surgery tend to be less visible than vertical ones.
In Time, Will the Scars Change?
Your scars will change over time as the healing process continues. If you practice proper care, they will continue to flatten and fade. Also, there are habits you should avoid so as not to make the scarring worse or more visible. They are:
- Too much exfoliation and scrubbing.
- Smoking.
- Heavy lifting.
- Tanning.
- Scratching.
What Scar Treatment Options Are Available?
Several remedies are available to reduce scarring after plastic surgery. You should consult your surgeon before you try any of these. They should advise you which ones are best for you.
- Scar Massage - You gently massage the scars vertically and horizontally in circular motions; this will help increase the production of collagen fibers to help flatten out the scars. It also helps decrease pain and inflammation.
- Silicone sheets - These are bandages that contain silicone. They assist in hydrating incisions and reducing pain and itchiness right after surgery. You can use them until the incisions heal.
- Fractionated lasers - Laser therapy works on your scar tissue to reduce variations in pigment.
For more on breast surgery, call Weston Center for Plastic Surgery at (954) 507-4540 to reach our office in Weston, Florida.