Feeling Confident Again With a Male Breast Reduction

Actual Patient

Feeling Confident Again With a Male Breast Reduction

Actual Patient

Feeling Confident Again With a Male Breast Reduction

Actual Patient

Feeling Confident Again With a Male Breast Reduction

Actual Patient

male breast reduction

Most men who have excess breast fat or tissue are self-conscious about the appearance of their chests. The condition is known as gynecomastia and can be embarrassing, especially in some places like the gym or the pool. It harms their self-image and self-esteem.

Fortunately, plastic surgery can help solve this problem through male breast reduction surgery at Weston Center for Plastic Surgery. The treatment will help you feel and look better to regain your confidence.


Why Do Male Breasts Enlarge?

There are various reasons why male breasts enlarge. Some patients experience it when they gain weight gradually, and the fat tissues in their chest area enlarge and grow. Some individuals have a predisposition to gynecomastia because of their genes.

Hormonal changes during middle age or puberty can also cause breast enlargement. Breast tissue can develop in men when testosterone levels reduce significantly. It can also occur if a man has a lot of estrogen activity. Such change can happen temporarily and may resolve by itself without medical care. However, it can also become permanent.

Hormonal fluctuations in a man’s life or during their puberty can cause breast enlargement. However, some conditions can impact gynecomastia, such as kidney failure.


How Does Male Breast Reduction Happen?

Your specialist will recommend surgery to remove the excess tissue and fat in your breasts to improve your chest appearance. It is often an outpatient procedure that uses either local or general anesthesia. Expect the process to take up to two hours.

Your doctor may recommend liposuction if the primary cause of the condition is excess fat. If glandular tissue or excess skin is the cause, your doctor will make an incision around your nipple. Doing so will allow them to remove the excess skin and glandular tissue. They will then reposition the nipple to help the breasts look natural. They will finish the procedure by closing the incisions.


Benefits of Male Breast Treatment


The benefits of male breast reduction happen physically and mentally. It is nerve-wracking to have a body you are not proud of as a man. The incisions made during surgery are small and barely visible after healing. You will have the actual breast size you want, and your self-esteem and confidence will return.




What to Consider Before Male Breast Reduction

Before getting a breast reduction surgery, it is ideal to speak with your doctor about your worries and concerns. They will examine you to let you know if you are eligible for the procedure. Ideally, try to lose some pounds if you are obese for the best results after the breast reduction.


After Treatment

You will see immediate changes after the surgical procedure. The appearance and shape of your chest will improve immediately. You will feel soreness and mild pain for a few days. Your specialist is likely to prescribe pain medication. If you need to wear a compression garment, do so until the time your doctor asks you to stop. It will help you feel comfortable and heal faster.

Healing processes are usually different for every patient. Most men resume work after their breast reduction surgery, depending on their occupation. Some also lose sensation in the treatment area, but this is usually temporary.

For more on male breast reduction, visit Weston Center for Plastic Surgery at our office in Weston, Florida. You can call 954-507-4540 to book an appointment today.