Actual Patient


Actual Patient


Actual Patient


Actual Patient

Browlift Q&A

Q: What is a Browlift? Am I a candidate for Endoscopic Browlift?
A: A brow lift is a procedure performed to rejuvenate the upper third of the face(the forehead). This procedure can be performed in many different ways including incisions in the hair or in front of the hair using open techniques or by using several small incisions with the aid of an endoscope. Candidates for an endoscopic brow lift need a relatively shorter forehead or a properly shaped forehead in order to be able to use the endoscopic instruments.

Q: Who can benefit from a Browlift?
A: Most men and women, as we age develop ptosis or sagging of the brows over the upper (superior) orbital rims. In youth, a male brow should be at the level of the rim and women should be well above the level of the rim.

Q: Is it best if I let my Botox or Dysport wear off before the procedure?
A: It is best to let your neurotoxin completely wear off before the consultation so I can appreciate the degree of brow ptosis you have without the neurotoxin possibly adversely affecting your brow position.

Q: What is the typical recovery from Browlift surgery?
A: Depending on the approach for the brow lift, recovery from brow lift surgery can be very rapid and uncomplicated. Patients undergo the procedure in the operating room under general anesthesia and will be discharged home the same day. I will see you for your post-operative appointment the day after your surgery. I ask my patient to rest and recover for a period of 1 week if undergoing an isolated brow lift procedure, then you will be cleared to begin light duty activity again.

Q: Will I still need to get Botox or Dysport after I have browlift surgery?
A: After undergoing a brow lift, you will still need to be injected with your neurotoxin of choice as the brow lift addresses the sagging (ptotic) brows. The neurotoxin still plays a pivotal role in forehead rejuvenation by decreasing the amount of static and dynamic wrinkles.

Facelift Q&A

Q: Am I a good candidate for a facelift?
A: Facelifts help to reduce skin laxity of the middle and lower third of the face. The jowls, nasolabial folds, and submental skin laxity can all be addressed with this combination of procedures.

Good facelift candidates are healthy women and men with skin laxity from the jowls, neck, and prominent facial folds and wrinkles. An ideal patient has good skin quality without lots of fine wrinkles, as fine wrinkles are not addressed with facelift surgery, they are addressed with various skin procedures such as fat transfer, chemical peels, or lasers.

Depending on your age and health, you might need to see your Primary Care Physician prior to surgery.

Q: What will my restrictions be after the operation?
A: Restrictions after a facelift are dependent on if you are under a “mini” facelift, a full face and neck lift, or just a neck lift. The procedure is performed in the operating room typically under general anesthesia and can last from 3-4 hours depending on the extent of surgery being performed. After the procedure, you will be discharged home with a close follow-up the next morning with me. You will be asked to rest and recover for a period of 10-14 days. After approximately 2 weeks you will typically be cleared to resume light duty.

Q: Will the incisions are visible and where will they be on my face?
A: The typical incisions for a face and neck lift are hidden in the skin creases in front of your ear extending up into your hair or just in front of your sideburn. The incision continues behind the ear and runs along the hairline behind the ear. The extent of incisions greatly depends on the nature of the procedure being performed. Sometimes an additional incision is hidden under the chin to address the neck lift portion of the procedure.

Q: How long will I be bruised?
A: The amount and area of bruising are greatly dependent on the procedure performed and how you bruise as a patient. Bruising is very unpredictable, but is typically not severe. Bruising will last for a period of 1-2 weeks, so planning a facelift immediately prior to a big social event would not be a great idea.

Q: Will my results look natural?
A: Facelifts, face and neck lifts, and neck lifts alone can all look very natural if performed properly. Overdone or incorrectly performed procedures can leave patients with the “windswept” unnatural look most women do not desire. I strive to give my patients only the best, natural-looking results.